Source code for ehtim.vex

# a interferometric array vex schedule class
#    Copyright (C) 2018 Hotaka Shiokawa
#    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#    (at your option) any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#    along with this program.  If not, see <>.

from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function

from builtins import str
from builtins import range
from builtins import object

import numpy as np
import re

from astropy.time import Time
import os
import ehtim.array
import ehtim.const_def as ehc

# Vex object

[docs]class Vex(object): """Read in observing schedule data from .vex files. Assumes there is only 1 MODE in vex file Attributes: filename (str): The .vex filename. source (str): The source name. metalist (list): The observation information. sched (list): The schedule information. array (Array): an Array object of sites. """ def __init__(self, filename): f = open(filename) raw = f.readlines() f.close() self.filename = filename # Divide 'raw' data into sectors of '$' marks # ASSUMING '$' is the very first character in a line (no space in front) metalist = [] # meaning list of metadata for i in range(len(raw)): if raw[i][0] == '$': temp = [raw[i]] break for j in range(i + 1, len(raw)): if raw[j][0] != '$': temp.append(raw[j]) elif raw[j][0] == '$': metalist.append(temp) temp = [raw[j]] else: print('Something is wrong.') metalist.append(temp) # don't forget to add the final one self.metalist = metalist # Extract desired information # SOURCE ======================================================== SOURCE = self.get_sector('SOURCE') source = [] indef = False for i in range(len(SOURCE)): line = SOURCE[i] if line[0:3] == "def": indef = True if indef: ret = self.get_variable("source_name", line) if len(ret) > 0: source_name = ret ret = self.get_variable("ra", line) if len(ret) > 0: ra = ret ret = self.get_variable("dec", line) if len(ret) > 0: dec = ret ret = self.get_variable("ref_coord_frame", line) if len(ret) > 0: ref_coord_frame = ret if line[0:6] == "enddef": source.append({'source': source_name, 'ra': ra, 'dec': dec, 'ref_coord_frame': ref_coord_frame}) indef = False self.source = source # FREQ ========================================================== FREQ = self.get_sector('FREQ') indef = False nfreq = 0 for i in range(len(FREQ)): line = FREQ[i] if line[0:3] == "def": if nfreq > 0: print("Not implemented yet.") nfreq += 1 indef = True if indef: idx = line.find('chan_def') if idx >= 0 and line[0] != '*': chan_def = re.findall(r"[-+]?\d+[\.]?\d*", line) self.freq = float(chan_def[0]) * 1.e6 self.bw_hz = float(chan_def[1]) * 1.e6 if line[0:6] == "enddef": indef = False # SITE ========================================================== SITE = self.get_sector('SITE') sites = [] site_ID_dict = {} indef = False for i in range(len(SITE)): line = SITE[i] if line[0:3] == "def": indef = True if indef: # get site_name and SEFD ret = self.get_variable("site_name", line) if len(ret) > 0: site_name = ret SEFD = self.get_SEFD(site_name) # making dictionary of site_ID:site_name ret = self.get_variable("site_ID", line) if len(ret) > 0: site_ID_dict[ret] = site_name # get site_position ret = self.get_variable("site_position", line) if len(ret) > 0: site_position = re.findall(r"[-+]?\d+[\.]?\d*", line) # same format as Andrew's array tables if line[0:6] == "enddef": sites.append([site_name, site_position[0], site_position[1], site_position[2], SEFD]) indef = False # Construct Array() object of Andrew's format # mimic the function "load_array(filename)" # TODO this does not store d-term and pol cal. information! tdataout = [np.array((x[0], float(x[1]), float(x[2]), float(x[3]), float(x[4]), float(x[4]), 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0), dtype=ehc.DTARR) for x in sites] tdataout = np.array(tdataout) self.array = ehtim.array.Array(tdataout) # SCHED ========================================================= SCHED = self.get_sector('SCHED') sched = [] inscan = False for i in range(len(SCHED)): line = SCHED[i] if line[0:4] == "scan": inscan = True temp = {} temp['scan'] = {} cnt = 0 if inscan: ret = self.get_variable("start", line) if len(ret) > 0: mjd, hr = vexdate_to_MJD_hr(ret) # convert vex time format to mjd and hour temp['mjd_floor'] = mjd temp['start_hr'] = hr ret = self.get_variable("mode", line) if len(ret) > 0: temp['mode'] = ret ret = self.get_variable("source", line) if len(ret) > 0: temp['source'] = ret ret = self.get_variable("station", line) if len(ret) > 0: site_ID = ret site_name = site_ID_dict[site_ID] # convert to more familier site name sdur = re.findall(r"[-+]?\d+[\.]?\d*", line) s_st = float(sdur[0]) # start time in sec s_en = float(sdur[1]) # end time in sec d_size = float(sdur[2]) # data size(?) in GB temp['scan'][cnt] = {'site': site_name, 'scan_sec_start': s_st, 'scan_sec': s_en, 'data_size': d_size} cnt += 1 if line[0:7] == "endscan": sched.append(temp) inscan = False self.sched = sched # Function to obtain a desired sector from 'metalist'
[docs] def get_sector(self, sname): """Obtain a desired sector from 'metalist'. """ for i in range(len(self.metalist)): if sname in self.metalist[i][0]: return self.metalist[i] print('No sector named %s' % sname) return False
# Function to get a value of 'vname' in a line which has format of # 'vname' = value ;(or :)
[docs] def get_variable(self, vname, line): """Function to get a value of 'vname' in a line. """ idx = self.find_variable(vname, line) name = '' if idx >= 0: start = False for i in range(idx + len(vname), len(line)): if start is True: if line[i] == ';' or line[i] == ':': break elif line[i] != ' ': name += line[i] if start is False and line[i] != ' ' and line[i] != '=': break if line[i] == '=': start = True return name
# check if a variable 'vname' exists by itself in a line. # returns index of vname[0] in a line, or -1
[docs] def find_variable(self, vname, line): """Function to find a variable 'vname' in a line. """ idx = line.find(vname) if ((idx > 0 and line[idx - 1] == ' ') or idx == 0) and line[0] != '*': if idx + len(vname) == len(line): return idx if (line[idx + len(vname)] == '=' or line[idx + len(vname)] == ' ' or line[idx + len(vname)] == ':' or line[idx + len(vname)] == ';'): return idx return -1
# Find SEFD for a given station name. # For now look for it in Andrew's tables # Vex files could have SEFD sector.
[docs] def get_SEFD(self, station): """Find SEFD for a given station. """ f = open(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + "/../arrays/SITES.txt") sites = f.readlines() f.close() for i in range(len(sites)): if sites[i].split()[0] == station: return float(re.findall(r"[-+]?\d+[\.]?\d*", sites[i])[3]) print('No station named %s' % station) return 10000. # some arbitrary value
# Find the time that any station starts observing the source in MJD. # Find the time that the last station stops observing the source in MHD.
[docs] def get_obs_timerange(self, source): """Find the time that any station starts observing the source in MJD, and the time that the last station stops observing the source. """ sched = self.sched first = True for i_scan in range(len(sched)): if sched[i_scan]['source'] == source and first is True: Tstart_hr = sched[i_scan]['start_hr'] mjd_s = sched[i_scan]['mjd_floor'] + Tstart_hr / 24. first = False if sched[i_scan]['source'] == source and first is False: Tstop_hr = sched[i_scan]['start_hr'] + sched[i_scan]['scan'][0]['scan_sec'] / 3600. mjd_e = sched[i_scan]['mjd_floor'] + Tstop_hr / 24. return mjd_s, mjd_e
# ================================================================= # ================================================================= # Function to find MJD (int!) and hour in UT from vex format, # e.g, 2016y099d05h00m00s
[docs]def vexdate_to_MJD_hr(vexdate): """Find the integer MJD and UT hour from vex format date. """ time = re.findall(r"[-+]?\d+[\.]?\d*", vexdate) year = int(time[0]) date = int(time[1]) yeardatetime = ("%04i" % year) + ':' + ("%03i" % date) + ":00:00:00.000" t = Time(yeardatetime, format='yday') mjd = t.mjd hour = int(time[2]) + float(time[3]) / 60. + float(time[4]) / 60. / 60. return mjd, hour