- class, times, psize, ra, dec, rf=230000000000.0, polrep='stokes', pol_prim=None, pulse=<function trianglePulse2D>, source='SgrA', mjd=51544, bounds_error=True, interp='linear')[source]
A polarimetric movie (in units of Jy/pixel).
- pulse
The function convolved with the pixel values for continuous image
- Type:
- interp
Interpolation method, for scipy.interpolate.interp1d ‘kind’ keyword (e.g. ‘linear’, ‘nearest’, ‘quadratic’, ‘cubic’, ‘previous’, ‘next’…)
- Type:
- add_qu(qmovie, umovie)[source]
Add Stokes Q and U movies. self.polrep must be ‘stokes’
- Parameters:
- add_v(vmovie)[source]
Add Stokes V movie. self.polrep must be ‘stokes’
- Parameters:
vmovie (list) – list of 2D Stokes Q frames in Jy/pixel array
- avg_frame()[source]
Coherently Average the movie frames into a single image.
- Returns:
averaged image of all frames
- Return type:
- circ_polfrac_curve()[source]
Return the (signed) total fractional circular polarized flux over time
- Returns:
image fractional circular polarized flux per frame
- Return type:
- copy()[source]
Return a copy of the Movie object.
- Returns:
copy of the Image.
- Return type:
- export_mp4(out='movie.mp4', fps=10, dpi=120, interp='gaussian', scale='lin', dynamic_range=1000.0, cfun='afmhot', nvec=20, pcut=0.01, plotp=False, gamma=0.5, frame_pad_factor=1, label_time=False, verbose=False)[source]
Save the Movie to an mp4 file
- fovx()[source]
Return the movie fov in x direction in radians.
- Returns:
movie fov in x direction (radian)
- Return type:
- fovy()[source]
Returns the movie fov in y direction in radians.
- Returns:
movie fov in y direction (radian)
- Return type:
- im_list()[source]
Return a list of the movie frames
- Returns:
list of Image objects
- Return type:
- property lightcurve
Return the total flux over time of the image in Jy.
- Returns:
image total flux (Jy) over time
- Return type:
- lin_polfrac_curve()[source]
Return the total fractional linear polarized flux over time
- Returns:
image fractional linear polarized flux per frame
- Return type:
- observe(array, tint, tadv, tstart, tstop, bw, repeat=False, mjd=None, timetype='UTC', polrep_obs=None, elevmin=10.0, elevmax=85.0, no_elevcut_space=False, ttype='nfft', fft_pad_factor=2, fix_theta_GMST=False, sgrscat=False, add_th_noise=True, jones=False, inv_jones=False, opacitycal=True, ampcal=True, phasecal=True, frcal=True, dcal=True, rlgaincal=True, stabilize_scan_phase=False, stabilize_scan_amp=False, neggains=False, tau=0.1, taup=0.1, gain_offset=0.1, gainp=0.1, dterm_offset=0.05, rlratio_std=0.0, rlphase_std=0.0, caltable_path=None, seed=False, sigmat=None, verbose=True)[source]
Generate baselines from an array object and observe the movie.
- Parameters:
array (Array) – an array object containing sites with which to generate baselines
tint (float) – the scan integration time in seconds
tadv (float) – the uniform cadence between scans in seconds
tstart (float) – the start time of the observation in hours
tstop (float) – the end time of the observation in hours
bw (float) – the observing bandwidth in Hz
repeat (bool) – if True, repeat the movie to fill up the observation interval
mjd (int) – the mjd of the observation, if set as different from the image mjd
timetype (str) – how to interpret tstart and tstop; either ‘GMST’ or ‘UTC’
polrep_obs (str) – ‘stokes’ or ‘circ’ sets the data polarimetric representation
elevmin (float) – station minimum elevation in degrees
elevmax (float) – station maximum elevation in degrees
no_elevcut_space (bool) – if True, do not apply elevation cut to orbiters
ttype (str) – “fast”, “nfft” or “dtft”
fft_pad_factor (float) – zero pad the image to fft_pad_factor * image size in the FFT
fix_theta_GMST (bool) – if True, stops earth rotation to sample fixed u,v
sgrscat (bool) – if True, the visibilites will be blurred by the Sgr A* kernel
add_th_noise (bool) – if True, baseline-dependent thermal noise is added
jones (bool) – if True, uses Jones matrix to apply mis-calibration effects otherwise uses old formalism without D-terms
inv_jones (bool) – if True, applies estimated inverse Jones matrix (not including random terms) to calibrate data
opacitycal (bool) – if False, time-dependent gaussian errors are added to opacities
ampcal (bool) – if False, time-dependent gaussian errors are added to station gains
phasecal (bool) – if False, time-dependent station-based random phases are added
frcal (bool) – if False, feed rotation angle terms are added to Jones matrix.
dcal (bool) – if False, time-dependent gaussian errors added to Jones matrix D-terms.
rlgaincal (bool) – if False, time-dependent gains are not equal for R and L pol
stabilize_scan_phase (bool) – if True, random phase errors are constant over scans
stabilize_scan_amp (bool) – if True, random amplitude errors are constant over scans
neggains (bool) – if True, force the applied gains to be <1
tau (float) – the base opacity at all sites, or a dict giving one opacity per site
taup (float) – the fractional std. dev. of the random error on the opacities
gainp (float) – the fractional std. dev. of the random error on the gains or a dict giving one std. dev. per site
gain_offset (float) – the base gain offset at all sites, or a dict giving one gain offset per site
dterm_offset (float) – the base std. dev. of random additive error at all sites, or a dict giving one std. dev. per site
rlratio_std (float) – the fractional std. dev. of the R/L gain offset or a dict giving one std. dev. per site
rlphase_std (float) – std. dev. of R/L phase offset, or a dict giving one std. dev. per site a negative value samples from uniform
caltable_path (string) – If not None, path and prefix for saving the applied caltable
seed (int) – seeds the random component of the noise terms. DO NOT set to 0!
sigmat (float) – temporal std for a Gaussian Process used to generate gain noise. if sigmat=None then an iid gain noise is applied.
verbose (bool) – print updates and warnings
- Returns:
an observation object
- Return type:
- observe_same(obs_in, repeat=False, ttype='nfft', fft_pad_factor=2, sgrscat=False, add_th_noise=True, jones=False, inv_jones=False, opacitycal=True, ampcal=True, phasecal=True, frcal=True, dcal=True, rlgaincal=True, stabilize_scan_phase=False, stabilize_scan_amp=False, neggains=False, taup=0.1, gain_offset=0.1, gainp=0.1, dterm_offset=0.05, rlratio_std=0.0, rlphase_std=0.0, caltable_path=None, seed=False, sigmat=None, verbose=True)[source]
Observe the image on the same baselines as an existing observation object and add noise.
- Parameters:
obs_in (Obsdata) – existing observation with baselines where the FT will be sampled
repeat (bool) – if True, repeat the movie to fill up the observation interval
ttype (str) – “fast” or “nfft” or “direct”
fft_pad_factor (float) – zero pad the image to fft_pad_factor * image size in FFT
sgrscat (bool) – if True, the visibilites will be blurred by the Sgr A* kernel
add_th_noise (bool) – if True, baseline-dependent thermal noise is added
jones (bool) – if True, uses Jones matrix to apply mis-calibration effects
inv_jones (bool) – if True, applies estimated inverse Jones matrix (not including random terms) to a priori calibrate data
opacitycal (bool) – if False, time-dependent gaussian errors are added to opacities
ampcal (bool) – if False, time-dependent gaussian errors are added to station gains
phasecal (bool) – if False, time-dependent station-based random phases are added
frcal (bool) – if False, feed rotation angle terms are added to Jones matrices.
dcal (bool) – if False, time-dependent gaussian errors added to D-terms.
rlgaincal (bool) – if False, time-dependent gains are not equal for R and L pol
stabilize_scan_phase (bool) – if True, random phase errors are constant over scans
stabilize_scan_amp (bool) – if True, random amplitude errors are constant over scans
neggains (bool) – if True, force the applied gains to be <1
taup (float) – the fractional std. dev. of the random error on the opacities
gainp (float) – the fractional std. dev. of the random error on the gains or a dict giving one std. dev. per site
gain_offset (float) – the base gain offset at all sites, or a dict giving one gain offset per site
dterm_offset (float) – the base std. dev. of random additive error at all sites, or a dict giving one std. dev. per site
rlratio_std (float) – the fractional std. dev. of the R/L gain offset or a dict giving one std. dev. per site
rlphase_std (float) – std. dev. of R/L phase offset, or a dict giving one std. dev. per site a negative value samples from uniform
caltable_path (string) – If not None, path and prefix for saving the applied caltable
seed (int) – seeds the random component of the noise terms. DO NOT set to 0!
sigmat (float) – temporal std for a Gaussian Process used to generate gain noise. if sigmat=None then an iid gain noise is applied.
verbose – print updates and warnings
- observe_same_nonoise(obs, repeat=False, sgrscat=False, ttype='nfft', fft_pad_factor=2, zero_empty_pol=True, verbose=True)[source]
Observe the movie on the same baselines as an existing observation without adding noise.
- Parameters:
obs (Obsdata) – existing observation with baselines where the FT will be sampled
repeat (bool) – if True, repeat the movie to fill up the observation interval
sgrscat (bool) – if True, the visibilites are blurred by the Sgr A* scattering kernel
ttype (str) – if “fast”, use FFT to produce visibilities. Else “direct” for DTFT
fft_pad_factor (float) – zero pad the image to fft_pad_factor * image size in FFT
zero_empty_pol (bool) – if True, returns zero vec if the polarization doesn’t exist. Otherwise return None
verbose (bool) – Boolean value controls output prints.
- Returns:
an observation object
- Return type:
- observe_vex(vex, source, synchronize_start=True, t_int=0.0, polrep_obs=None, ttype='nfft', fft_pad_factor=2, fix_theta_GMST=False, sgrscat=False, add_th_noise=True, jones=False, inv_jones=False, opacitycal=True, ampcal=True, phasecal=True, frcal=True, dcal=True, rlgaincal=True, stabilize_scan_phase=False, stabilize_scan_amp=False, neggains=False, tau=0.1, taup=0.1, gain_offset=0.1, gainp=0.1, dterm_offset=0.05, caltable_path=None, seed=False, sigmat=None, verbose=True)[source]
Generate baselines from a vex file and observe the movie.
- Parameters:
vex (Vex) – an vex object containing sites and scan information
source (str) – the source to observe
synchronize_start (bool) – if True, the start of the movie is defined as the start of the observations
t_int (float) – if not zero, overrides the vex scan lengths
polrep_obs (str) – ‘stokes’ or ‘circ’ sets the data polarimetric representation
ttype (str) – “fast” or “nfft” or “dtft”
fft_pad_factor (float) – zero pad the image to fft_pad_factor * image size in FFT
fix_theta_GMST (bool) – if True, stops earth rotation to sample fixed u,v
sgrscat (bool) – if True, the visibilites will be blurred by the Sgr A* kernel
add_th_noise (bool) – if True, baseline-dependent thermal noise is added
jones (bool) – if True, uses Jones matrix to apply mis-calibration effects otherwise uses old formalism without D-terms
inv_jones (bool) – if True, applies estimated inverse Jones matrix (not including random terms) to calibrate data
opacitycal (bool) – if False, time-dependent gaussian errors are added to opacities
ampcal (bool) – if False, time-dependent gaussian errors are added to station gains
phasecal (bool) – if False, time-dependent station-based random phases are added
frcal (bool) – if False, feed rotation angle terms are added to Jones matrix.
dcal (bool) – if False, time-dependent gaussian errors added to Jones matrix D-terms.
rlgaincal (bool) – if False, time-dependent gains are not equal for R and L pol
stabilize_scan_phase (bool) – if True, random phase errors are constant over scans
stabilize_scan_amp (bool) – if True, random amplitude errors are constant over scans
neggains (bool) – if True, force the applied gains to be <1
tau (float) – the base opacity at all sites, or a dict giving one opacity per site
taup (float) – the fractional std. dev. of the random error on the opacities
gain_offset (float) – the base gain offset at all sites, or a dict giving one gain offset per site
gainp (float) – the fractional std. dev. of the random error on the gains
dterm_offset (float) – the base dterm offset at all sites, or a dict giving one dterm offset per site
caltable_path (string) – If not None, path and prefix for saving the applied caltable
seed (int) – seeds the random component of the noise terms. DO NOT set to 0!
sigmat (float) – temporal std for a Gaussian Process used to generate gain noise. if sigmat=None then an iid gain noise is applied.
verbose (bool) – print updates and warnings
- Returns:
an observation object
- Return type:
- offset_time(t_offset)[source]
Offset the movie in time by t_offset
- Parameters:
t_offset (float) – offset time in hours
- orth_chi()[source]
Rotate the EVPA 90 degrees
- Returns:
movie with rotated EVPA
- Return type:
- reset_interp(interp=None, bounds_error=None)[source]
Reset the movie interpolation function to change the interp. type or change the frames
- save_fits(fname)[source]
Save the Movie data to individual fits files with filenames basename + 00001, etc.
- Parameters:
fname (str) – basename of output files
- save_hdf5(fname)[source]
Save the Movie data to a single hdf5 file.
- Parameters:
fname (str) – output file name
- save_txt(fname)[source]
Save the Movie data to individual text files with filenames basename + 00001, etc.
- Parameters:
fname (str) – basename of output files
-, out='movie.mp4', start_hr=None, stop_hr=None, nframes=100, fov=None, npix=None, nrows=1, fps=10, dpi=120, verbose=False, titles=None, panel_size=4.0, common_scale=False, scale='linear', label_type='scale', has_cbar=False, **kwargs)[source]
Export a movie comparing multiple movies in a grid.
- Parameters:
input_list (list) – The list of input Movies or Images
out (string) – The output filename
start_hr (float) – The start time in hours. If None, defaults to first start time
end_hr (float) – The end time in hours. If None, defaults to last start time
nframes (int) – The number of frames in the output movie
fov (float) – If specified, use this field of view for all panels
npix (int) – If specified, use this linear pixel dimension for all panels
nrows (int) – Number of rows in movie
fps (int) – Frames per second
titles (list) – List of panel titles for input_list
panel_size (float) – Size of individual panels (inches)
-, nframes, framedur=-1, pulse=<function trianglePulse2D>, polrep='stokes', pol_prim=None, zero_pol=True, interp='linear', bounds_error=True)[source]
Read in a movie from fits files and create a Movie object.
- Parameters:
basename (str) – The base name of individual movie frames. Files should have names basename + 00001, etc.
nframes (int) – The total number of frames
framedur (float) – The frame duration in seconds. if famedur==-1, frame duration taken from file headers
pulse (function) – The function convolved with the pixel values for continuous image
polrep (str) – polarization representation, either ‘stokes’ or ‘circ’
pol_prim (str) – The default image: I,Q,U or V for Stokes, RR,LL,LR,RL for Circular
zero_pol (bool) – If True, loads any missing polarizations as zeros
interp (str) – Interpolation method, input to scipy.interpolate.interp1d kind keyword
bounds_error (bool) – if False, return nearest frame outside interval [start_hr, stop_hr]
- Returns:
a Movie object
- Return type:
-, pulse=<function trianglePulse2D>, interp='linear', bounds_error=True)[source]
Read in a movie from an hdf5 file and create a Movie object.
- Parameters:
file_name (str) – The name of the hdf5 file.
pulse (function) – The function convolved with the pixel values for continuous image
interp (str) – Interpolation method, input to scipy.interpolate.interp1d kind keyword
bounds_error (bool) – if False, return nearest frame outside interval [start_hr, stop_hr]
- Returns:
a Movie object
- Return type:
-, nframes, framedur=-1, pulse=<function trianglePulse2D>, polrep='stokes', pol_prim=None, zero_pol=True, interp='linear', bounds_error=True)[source]
Read in a movie from text files and create a Movie object.
- Parameters:
basename (str) – The base name of individual movie frames. Files should have names basename + 00001, etc.
nframes (int) – The total number of frames
framedur (float) – The frame duration in seconds if famedur==-1, frame duration taken from file headers
pulse (function) – The function convolved with the pixel values for continuous image
polrep (str) – polarization representation, either ‘stokes’ or ‘circ’
pol_prim (str) – The default image: I,Q,U or V for Stokes, RR,LL,LR,RL for Circular
zero_pol (bool) – If True, loads any missing polarizations as zeros
interp (str) – Interpolation method, input to scipy.interpolate.interp1d kind keyword
bounds_error (bool) – if False, return nearest frame outside interval [start_hr, stop_hr]
- Returns:
a Movie object
- Return type:
-, framedur=- 1, interp='linear', bounds_error=True)[source]
Merge a list of image objects into a movie object.
- Parameters:
imlist (list) – list of Image objects
framedur (float) – duration of a movie frame in seconds use to override times in the individual movies
interp (str) – Interpolation method, input to scipy.interpolate.interp1d kind keyword
bounds_error – if False, return nearest frame outside interval [start_hr, stop_hr]