# stats.py
# variety of statistical functions useful for
# Copyright (C) 2018 Maciek Wielgus
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from builtins import str
from builtins import map
from builtins import range
import numpy as np
import numpy.random as npr
import sys
from ehtim.const_def import *
[docs]def circular_mean(theta, unit='deg'):
'''circular mean for averaging angular quantities
theta: list/vector of angles to average
unit: degrees ('deg') or radians (any other string)
circular mean
theta = np.asarray(theta, dtype=np.float32)
theta= theta.flatten()
theta = theta[theta==theta]
if unit=='deg':
theta *= np.pi/180.
if len(theta)==0:
return None
C = np.mean(np.cos(theta))
S = np.mean(np.sin(theta))
circ_mean = np.arctan2(S,C)
if unit=='deg':
circ_mean *= 180./np.pi
return np.mod(circ_mean+180.,360.)-180.
return np.mod(circ_mean+np.pi,2.*np.pi)-np.pi
[docs]def circular_std(theta,unit='deg'):
'''standard deviation of a circular distribution
theta: list/vector of angles
unit: degrees ('deg') or radians (any other string)
circular standard deviation
theta = np.asarray(theta, dtype=np.float32)
theta= theta.flatten()
theta = theta[theta==theta]
if unit=='deg':
theta *= np.pi/180.
if len(theta)<2:
return None
C = np.mean(np.cos(theta))
S = np.mean(np.sin(theta))
circ_std = np.sqrt(-2.*np.log(np.sqrt(C**2+S**2)))
if unit=='deg':
circ_std *= 180./np.pi
return circ_std
[docs]def circular_std_of_mean(theta,unit='deg'):
'''standard deviation of mean for a circular distribution
theta: list/vector of angles
unit: degrees ('deg') or radians (any other string)
circular standard deviation of mean
theta = np.asarray(theta, dtype=np.float32)
theta= theta.flatten()
theta = theta[theta==theta]
return circular_std(theta,unit)/np.sqrt(len(theta))
[docs]def mean_incoh_amp(amp,sigma,debias=True,err_type='predicted',num_samples=int(1e3)):
"""amplitude from ensemble of Rice-distributed measurements with debiasing
amp: vector of (biased) amplitudes
sigma: vector of errors
debias: whether debiasing is applied
amp0: estimator of unbiased amplitude
if (not hasattr(amp, "__len__")):
amp = [amp]
amp = np.asarray(amp, dtype=np.float32)
N = len(amp)
if (not hasattr(sigma, "__len__")):
sigma = sigma*np.ones(N)
elif len(sigma)==1:
sigma = sigma*np.ones(N)
sigma = np.asarray(sigma, dtype=np.float32)
if len(sigma)!=len(amp):
print('Inconsistent length of amp and sigma')
return None
#eq. 9.86 from Thompson et al.
if debias==True:
amp0sq = ( np.mean(amp_clean**2 - (2. - 1./N)*sigma_clean**2) )
else: amp0sq = np.mean(amp_clean**2)
amp0sq = np.maximum(amp0sq,0.)
amp0 = np.sqrt(amp0sq)
#getting errors
if err_type=='predicted':
sigma0 = np.sqrt(np.sum(sigma_clean**2)/len(sigma_clean)**2)
elif err_type=='measured':
ampfoo, ci = bootstrap(amp_clean, np.mean, num_samples=num_samples,wrapping_variable=False)
sigma0 = 0.5*(ci[1]-ci[0])
return amp0,sigma0
[docs]def mean_incoh_amp_from_vis(vis,sigma,debias=True,err_type='predicted',num_samples=int(1e3)):
"""Amplitude from ensemble of visibility measurements with debiasing
amp: vector of (biased) amplitudes
sigma: vector of errors
debias: whether debiasing is applied
amp0: estimator of unbiased amplitude
if (not hasattr(vis, "__len__")):
vis = [vis]
vis= np.asarray(vis)
vis= vis[vis==vis]
N = len(amp)
if (not hasattr(sigma, "__len__")):
sigma = sigma*np.ones(N)
elif len(sigma)==1:
sigma = sigma*np.ones(N)
sigma = np.asarray(sigma, dtype=np.float32)
if len(sigma)!=len(amp):
print('Inconsistent length of amp and sigma')
return None, None
if Nc<1:
return None, None
#eq. 9.86 from Thompson et al.
if debias==True:
amp0sq = ( np.mean(amp_clean**2 - (2. - 1./Nc)*sigma_clean**2) )
else: amp0sq = np.mean(amp_clean**2)
if (amp0sq!=amp0sq): amp0sq=0.
amp0sq = np.maximum(amp0sq,0.)
amp0 = np.sqrt(amp0sq)
#getting errors
if err_type=='predicted':
#sigma0 = np.sqrt(np.sum(sigma_clean**2)/Nc**2)
#Esigma = np.median(sigma_clean)
#snr0 = amp0/Esigma
#snrA = 1./(np.sqrt(1. + 2./np.sqrt(Nc)*(1./snr0)*np.sqrt(1.+1./snr0**2)) - 1.)
sigma0 = np.sqrt(np.sum(sigma_clean**2)/Nc**2)
elif err_type=='measured':
ampfoo, ci = bootstrap(amp_clean, np.mean, num_samples=num_samples,wrapping_variable=False,alpha='1sig')
sigma0 = 0.5*(ci[1]-ci[0])
return amp0,sigma0
[docs]def bootstrap(data, statistic, num_samples=int(1e3), alpha='1sig',wrapping_variable=False):
"""bootstrap estimate of 100.0*(1-alpha) confidence interval for a given statistic
data: vector of data to estimate bootstrap statistic on
statistic: function representing the statistic to be evaluated
num_samples: number of bootstrap (re)samples
alpha: parameter of the confidence interval, '1s' gets an analog of 1 sigma confidence for a normal variable
wrapping_variable: True for circular variables, attempts to avoid problem related to estimating variability of wrapping variable
bootstrap_value: bootstrap-estimated value of the statistic
bootstrap_CI: bootstrap-estimated confidence interval
if alpha=='1sig':
elif alpha=='2sig':
elif alpha=='3sig':
stat = np.zeros(num_samples)
data = np.asarray(data)
if wrapping_variable==True:
data = data-m
n = len(data)
idx = npr.randint(0, n, (num_samples, n))
samples = data[idx]
for cou in range(num_samples):
stat[cou] = statistic(samples[cou,:])
stat = np.sort(stat)
bootstrap_value = np.median(stat)+m
bootstrap_CI = [stat[int((alpha/2.0)*num_samples)]+m, stat[int((1-alpha/2.0)*num_samples)]+m]
return bootstrap_value, bootstrap_CI
def mean_incoh_avg(x,debias=True):
amp = np.abs(np.asarray([y[0] for y in x]))
sig = np.asarray([y[1] for y in x])
ampN = amp[(amp==amp)&(amp>=0)&(sig==sig)&(sig>=0)]
sigN = sig[(amp==amp)&(amp>=0)&(sig==sig)&(sig>=0)]
amp = ampN
sig = sigN
Nc = len(sig)
if Nc==0:
amp0 = -1
sig0 = -1
elif Nc==1:
amp0 = amp[0]
sig0 = sig[0]
if debias==True:
amp0 = deb_amp(amp,sig)
amp0= np.sqrt(np.maximum(np.mean(amp**2),0.))
sig0 = inc_sig(amp,sig)
#sig0 = coh_sig(amp,sig)
return amp0,sig0
def deb_amp(amp,sig):
#eq. 9.86 from Thompson et al.
amp = np.abs(np.asarray(amp))
sig = np.asarray(sig)
Nc = len(amp)
amp0sq = ( np.mean(amp**2 - (2. - 1./Nc)*sig**2) )
amp0sq = np.maximum(amp0sq,0.)
amp0 = np.sqrt(amp0sq)
return amp0
def inc_sig(amp,sig):
amp = np.abs(np.asarray(amp))
sig = np.asarray(sig)
Nc = len(amp)
amp0 = deb_amp(amp,sig)
Esigma = np.median(sig)
snr0 = amp0/Esigma
snrA = 1./(np.sqrt(1. + 2./np.sqrt(Nc)*(1./snr0)*np.sqrt(1.+1./snr0**2)) - 1.)
if snrA>0:
else: sigma0=coh_sig(amp,sig)
return sigma0
def coh_sig(amp,sig):
amp = np.abs(np.asarray(amp))
sig = np.asarray(sig)
Nc = len(amp)
sigma0 = np.sqrt(np.sum(sig**2)/Nc**2)
return sigma0
[docs]def dicts_TV_report(obs,snr_cut=2.):
"""Computes mean total variation reports
obs: ObsData object
snr_cut: threshold for data snr
amptv: dictionary of baseline mean TV
cptv: dictionary of triangle mean TV
lcatv: dictionary of quadrangle mean TV
amp = obs.data
baselines = list(set([(x[0],x[1]) for x in lca[['t1','t2']]]))
amptv = {}
for cou,quad in enumerate(baselines):
amptv[quad] = np.mean(np.abs(np.diff(np.abs(amp[(amp['t1']==baselines[cou][0])&(amp['t2']==baselines[cou][1])]['vis']))))
cp = obs.c_phases()
obs = obs.flag_low_snr(snr_cut=snr_cut)
triangles = list(set([(x[0],x[1],x[2]) for x in cp[['t1','t2','t3']]]))
cptv = {}
for cou,tri in enumerate(triangles):
cptv[tri] = np.mean(np.abs(np.diff(cp[(cp['t1']==triangles[cou][0])&(cp['t2']==triangles[cou][1])&(cp['t3']==triangles[cou][2])]['cphase'])))
lca = obs.c_amplitudes(ctype='logcamp')
quadrangles = list(set([(x[0],x[1],x[2],x[3]) for x in lca[['t1','t2','t3','t4']]]))
lcatv = {}
for cou,quad in enumerate(quadrangles):
lcatv[quad] = np.mean(np.abs(np.diff(lca[(lca['t1']==quadrangles[cou][0])&(lca['t2']==quadrangles[cou][1])&(lca['t3']==quadrangles[cou][2])&(lca['t4']==quadrangles[cou][3])]['camp'])))
return amptv, cptv, lcatv
[docs]def compare_TV(obs,obsref,snr_cut=2.,output=''):
"""Computes mean total variation reports
obs: ObsData object
obref: ObsData object to use as a reference
snr_cut: threshold for data snr
output (str): if empty, returns median relative TV across all (baselines, triangles, quadrangles)
if 'Full', returns full dictionaries comparing all (baselines, triangles, quadrangles)
amprel / ampmed: dictionary of baseline relative differences in mean TV / median of baseline relative differences in mean TV
cprel / cpmed: dictionary of triangle relative differences in mean TV / median of triangle relative differences in mean TV
lcarel / lcamed: dictionary of quadrangle relative differences in mean TV / median of quadrangle relative differences in mean TV
amptv, cptv, lcatv = dicts_TV(obs,snr_cut=snr_cut)
ampref, cpref, lcaref = dicts_TV(obsref,snr_cut=snr_cut)
cprel = {key: (cptv[key] - cpref[key])/cpref[key] for key in cptv.keys() if key in set(cpref.keys())}
amprel = {key: (amptv[key] - ampref[key])/ampref[key] for key in amptv.keys() if key in set(ampref.keys())}
lcarel = {key: (lcatv[key] - lcaref[key])/lcaref[key] for key in lcatv.keys() if key in set(lcaref.keys())}
amprel = {key:amprel[key] for key in amprel.keys() if amprel[key]==amprel[key]}
cprel = {key:cprel[key] for key in cprel.keys() if cprel[key]==cprel[key]}
lcarel = {key:lcarel[key] for key in lcarel.keys() if lcarel[key]==lcarel[key]}
if output=='Full':
return amprel, cprel, lcarel
ampmed =np.median([amprel[key] for key in amprel.keys() if amprel[key]==amprel[key]])
cpmed =np.median([cprel[key] for key in cprel.keys() if cprel[key]==cprel[key]])
lcamed =np.median([lcarel[key] for key in lcarel.keys() if lcarel[key]==lcarel[key]])
return ampmed,cpmed,lcamed