# comp_plots.py
# Make data plots with multiple observations,images etc.
# Copyright (C) 2018 Andrew Chael
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from builtins import str
from builtins import range
from builtins import object
import numpy as np
import numpy.matlib as matlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import itertools as it
import copy
from ehtim.obsdata import merge_obs
import ehtim.const_def as ehc
# Plotters
[docs]def plotall_compare(obslist, imlist, field1, field2,
conj=False, debias=False, sgrscat=False,
ang_unit='deg', timetype='UTC', ttype='nfft',
axis=False, rangex=False, rangey=False, snrcut=0.,
clist=COLORLIST, legendlabels=None, markersize=ehc.MARKERSIZE,
export_pdf="", grid=False, ebar=True,
axislabels=True, legend=True, show=True):
"""Plot data from observations compared to ground truth from an image on the same axes.
obslist (list): list of observations to plot
imlist (list): list of ground truth images to compare to
field1 (str): x-axis field (from FIELDS)
field2 (str): y-axis field (from FIELDS)
conj (bool): Plot conjuage baseline data points if True
debias (bool): If True, debias amplitudes.
sgrscat (bool): if True, the visibilites will be blurred by the Sgr A* scattering kernel
ang_unit (str): phase unit 'deg' or 'rad'
timetype (str): 'GMST' or 'UTC'
ttype (str): if "fast" or "nfft" use FFT to produce visibilities. Else "direct" for DTFT
axis (matplotlib.axes.Axes): add plot to this axis
rangex (list): [xmin, xmax] x-axis limits
rangey (list): [ymin, ymax] y-axis limits
clist (list): list of colors scatterplot points
legendlabels (list): list of labels of the same length of obslist or imlist
markersize (int): size of plot markers
export_pdf (str): path to pdf file to save figure
grid (bool): Plot gridlines if True
ebar (bool): Plot error bars if True
axislabels (bool): Show axis labels if True
legend (bool): Show legend if True
show (bool): Display the plot if true
(matplotlib.axes.Axes): Axes object with data plot
prepdata = prep_plot_lists(obslist, imlist, clist=clist, legendlabels=legendlabels,
sgrscat=sgrscat, ttype=ttype)
(obslist_plot, clist_plot, legendlabels_plot, markers) = prepdata
for i in range(len(obslist_plot)):
obs = obslist_plot[i]
axis = obs.plotall(field1, field2,
conj=conj, debias=debias,
ang_unit=ang_unit, timetype=timetype,
axis=axis, rangex=rangex, rangey=rangey,
grid=grid, ebar=ebar, axislabels=axislabels,
show=False, tag_bl=False, legend=False, snrcut=snrcut,
label=legendlabels_plot[i], color=clist_plot[i % len(clist_plot)],
marker=markers[i], markersize=markersize)
if legend:
if grid:
if show:
if export_pdf != "":
plt.savefig(export_pdf, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0)
return axis
[docs]def plot_bl_compare(obslist, imlist, site1, site2, field,
debias=False, sgrscat=False,
ang_unit='deg', timetype='UTC', ttype='nfft',
axis=False, rangex=False, rangey=False, snrcut=0.,
clist=COLORLIST, legendlabels=None, markersize=ehc.MARKERSIZE,
export_pdf="", grid=False, ebar=True,
axislabels=True, legend=True, show=True):
"""Plot data from multiple observations vs time on a single baseline on the same axes.
obslist (list): list of observations to plot
imlist (list): list of ground truth images to compare to
site1 (str): station 1 name
site2 (str): station 2 name
field (str): y-axis field (from FIELDS)
debias (bool): If True, debias amplitudes.
sgrscat (bool): if True, the visibilites will be blurred by the Sgr A* scattering kernel
ang_unit (str): phase unit 'deg' or 'rad'
timetype (str): 'GMST' or 'UTC'
ttype (str): if "fast" or "nfft" use FFT to produce visibilities. Else "direct" for DTFT
snrcut (float): a snr cutoff
axis (matplotlib.axes.Axes): add plot to this axis
rangex (list): [xmin, xmax] x-axis limits
rangey (list): [ymin, ymax] y-axis limits
clist (list): list of colors scatterplot points
legendlabels (list): list of labels of the same length of obslist or imlist
markersize (int): size of plot markers
export_pdf (str): path to pdf file to save figure
grid (bool): Plot gridlines if True
ebar (bool): Plot error bars if True
axislabels (bool): Show axis labels if True
legend (bool): Show legend if True
show (bool): Display the plot if true
(matplotlib.axes.Axes): Axes object with data plot
prepdata = prep_plot_lists(obslist, imlist, clist=clist, legendlabels=legendlabels,
sgrscat=sgrscat, ttype=ttype)
(obslist_plot, clist_plot, legendlabels_plot, markers) = prepdata
for i in range(len(obslist_plot)):
obs = obslist_plot[i]
axis = obs.plot_bl(site1, site2, field,
debias=debias, ang_unit=ang_unit, timetype=timetype,
axis=axis, rangex=rangex, rangey=rangey,
grid=grid, ebar=ebar, axislabels=axislabels,
show=False, legend=False, snrcut=snrcut,
label=legendlabels_plot[i], color=clist_plot[i % len(clist_plot)],
marker=markers[i], markersize=markersize)
if legend:
if grid:
if show:
if export_pdf != "":
plt.savefig(export_pdf, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0)
return axis
[docs]def plot_cphase_compare(obslist, imlist, site1, site2, site3,
vtype='vis', cphases=[], force_recompute=False,
ang_unit='deg', timetype='UTC', ttype='nfft',
axis=False, rangex=False, rangey=False, snrcut=0.,
clist=COLORLIST, legendlabels=None, markersize=ehc.MARKERSIZE,
export_pdf="", grid=False, ebar=True,
axislabels=True, legend=True, show=True):
"""Plot closure phase on a triangle compared to ground truth from an image on the same axes.
obslist (list): list of observations to plot
imlist (list): list of ground truth images to compare to
site1 (str): station 1 name
site2 (str): station 2 name
site3 (str): station 3 name
vtype (str): The visibilty type ('vis','qvis','uvis','vvis','pvis')
cphases (list): optionally pass in a list of cphases so they don't have to be recomputed
force_recompute (bool): if True, recompute closure phases instead of using stored data
ang_unit (str): phase unit 'deg' or 'rad'
timetype (str): 'GMST' or 'UTC'
ttype (str): if "fast" or "nfft" use FFT to produce visibilities. Else "direct" for DTFT
snrcut (float): a snr cutoff
axis (matplotlib.axes.Axes): add plot to this axis
rangex (list): [xmin, xmax] x-axis limits
rangey (list): [ymin, ymax] y-axis limits
clist (list): list of colors scatterplot points
legendlabels (list): list of labels of the same length of obslist or imlist
markersize (int): size of plot markers
export_pdf (str): path to pdf file to save figure
grid (bool): Plot gridlines if True
ebar (bool): Plot error bars if True
axislabels (bool): Show axis labels if True
legend (bool): Show legend if True
show (bool): Display the plot if true
(matplotlib.axes.Axes): Axes object with data plot
except TypeError:
obslist = [obslist]
if len(cphases) == 0:
cphases = matlib.repmat([], len(obslist), 1)
if len(cphases) != len(obslist):
raise Exception("cphases list must be same length as obslist!")
cphases_back = []
for i in range(len(obslist)):
obslist[i].cphase = cphases[i]
prepdata = prep_plot_lists(obslist, imlist, clist=clist, legendlabels=legendlabels,
sgrscat=False, ttype=ttype)
(obslist_plot, clist_plot, legendlabels_plot, markers) = prepdata
for i in range(len(obslist_plot)):
obs = obslist_plot[i]
axis = obs.plot_cphase(site1, site2, site3,
vtype=vtype, force_recompute=force_recompute,
ang_unit=ang_unit, timetype=timetype,
axis=axis, rangex=rangex, rangey=rangey,
grid=grid, ebar=ebar, axislabels=axislabels,
show=False, legend=False, snrcut=snrcut,
label=legendlabels_plot[i], color=clist_plot[i % len(clist_plot)],
marker=markers[i], markersize=markersize)
# return to original cphase attribute
for i in range(len(obslist)):
obslist[i].cphase = cphases_back[i]
if legend:
if grid:
if show:
if export_pdf != "":
plt.savefig(export_pdf, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0)
return axis
[docs]def plot_camp_compare(obslist, imlist, site1, site2, site3, site4,
vtype='vis', ctype='camp', camps=[], force_recompute=False,
debias=False, sgrscat=False, timetype='UTC', ttype='nfft',
axis=False, rangex=False, rangey=False, snrcut=0.,
clist=COLORLIST, legendlabels=None, markersize=ehc.MARKERSIZE,
export_pdf="", grid=False, ebar=True,
axislabels=True, legend=True, show=True):
"""Plot closure amplitude on a triangle vs time from multiple observations on the same axes.
obslist (list): list of observations to plot
imlist (list): list of ground truth images to compare to
site1 (str): station 1 name
site2 (str): station 2 name
site3 (str): station 3 name
site4 (str): station 4 name
vtype (str): The visibilty type ('vis','qvis','uvis','vvis','pvis')
ctype (str): The closure amplitude type ('camp' or 'logcamp')
camps (list): optionally pass in a list of camp so they don't have to be recomputed
force_recompute (bool): if True, recompute closure phases instead of using stored data
debias (bool): If True, debias amplitudes.
sgrscat (bool): if True, the visibilites will be blurred by the Sgr A* scattering kernel
timetype (str): 'GMST' or 'UTC'
ttype (str): if "fast" or "nfft" use FFT to produce visibilities. Else "direct" for DTFT
snrcut (float): a snr cutoff
axis (matplotlib.axes.Axes): add plot to this axis
rangex (list): [xmin, xmax] x-axis limits
rangey (list): [ymin, ymax] y-axis limits
clist (list): list of colors scatterplot points
legendlabels (list): list of labels of the same length of obslist or imlist
markersize (int): size of plot markers
export_pdf (str): path to pdf file to save figure
grid (bool): Plot gridlines if True
ebar (bool): Plot error bars if True
axislabels (bool): Show axis labels if True
legend (bool): Show legend if True
show (bool): Display the plot if true
(matplotlib.axes.Axes): Axes object with data plot
except TypeError:
obslist = [obslist]
if len(camps) == 0:
camps = matlib.repmat([], len(obslist), 1)
if len(camps) != len(obslist):
raise Exception("camps list must be same length as obslist!")
camps_back = []
for i in range(len(obslist)):
if ctype == 'camp':
obslist[i].camp = camps[i]
elif ctype == 'logcamp':
obslist[i].logcamp = camps[i]
prepdata = prep_plot_lists(obslist, imlist, clist=clist, legendlabels=legendlabels,
sgrscat=sgrscat, ttype=ttype)
(obslist_plot, clist_plot, legendlabels_plot, markers) = prepdata
for i in range(len(obslist_plot)):
obs = obslist_plot[i]
axis = obs.plot_camp(site1, site2, site3, site4,
vtype=vtype, ctype=ctype, force_recompute=force_recompute,
debias=debias, timetype=timetype,
axis=axis, rangex=rangex, rangey=rangey,
grid=grid, ebar=ebar, axislabels=axislabels,
show=False, legend=False, snrcut=0.,
label=legendlabels_plot[i], color=clist_plot[i % len(clist_plot)],
marker=markers[i], markersize=markersize)
for i in range(len(obslist)):
if ctype == 'camp':
obslist[i].camp = camps_back[i]
elif ctype == 'logcamp':
obslist[i].logcamp = camps_back[i]
if legend:
if grid:
if show:
if export_pdf != "":
plt.savefig(export_pdf, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0)
return axis
# Aliases
[docs]def plotall_obs_compare(obslist, field1, field2, **kwargs):
"""Plot data from observations compared to ground truth from an image on the same axes.
obslist (list): list of observations to plot
field1 (str): x-axis field (from FIELDS)
field2 (str): y-axis field (from FIELDS)
conj (bool): Plot conjuage baseline data points if True
debias (bool): If True, debias amplitudes.
ang_unit (str): phase unit 'deg' or 'rad'
sgrscat (bool): if True, the visibilites will be blurred by the Sgr A* scattering kernel
ttype (str): if "fast" or "nfft" use FFT to produce visibilities. Else "direct" for DTFT
rangex (list): [xmin, xmax] x-axis limits
rangey (list): [ymin, ymax] y-axis limits
legendlabels (str): should be a list of labels of the same length of obslist or imlist
snrcut (float): a snr cutoff
grid (bool): Plot gridlines if True
ebar (bool): Plot error bars if True
axislabels (bool): Show axis labels if True
legend (bool): Show legend if True
show (bool): Display the plot if true
axis (matplotlib.axes.Axes): add plot to this axis
clist (list): list of colors scatterplot points
markersize (int): size of plot markers
export_pdf (str): path to pdf file to save figure
(matplotlib.axes.Axes): Axes object with data plot
axis = plotall_compare(obslist, [], field1, field2, **kwargs)
return axis
[docs]def plotall_obs_im_compare(obslist, imlist, field1, field2, **kwargs):
"""Plot data from observations compared to ground truth from an image on the same axes.
obslist (list): list of observations to plot
imlist (list): list of images to plot
field1 (str): x-axis field (from FIELDS)
field2 (str): y-axis field (from FIELDS)
conj (bool): Plot conjuage baseline data points if True
debias (bool): If True, debias amplitudes.
ang_unit (str): phase unit 'deg' or 'rad'
sgrscat (bool): if True, the visibilites will be blurred by the Sgr A* scattering kernel
ttype (str): if "fast" or "nfft" use FFT to produce visibilities. Else "direct" for DTFT
rangex (list): [xmin, xmax] x-axis limits
rangey (list): [ymin, ymax] y-axis limits
legendlabels (str): should be a list of labels of the same length of obslist
snrcut (float): a snr cutoff
grid (bool): Plot gridlines if True
ebar (bool): Plot error bars if True
axislabels (bool): Show axis labels if True
legend (bool): Show legend if True
show (bool): Display the plot if true
axis (matplotlib.axes.Axes): add plot to this axis
clist (list): list of colors scatterplot points
markersize (int): size of plot markers
export_pdf (str): path to pdf file to save figure
(matplotlib.axes.Axes): Axes object with data plot
axis = plotall_compare(obslist, imlist, field1, field2, **kwargs)
return axis
[docs]def plot_bl_obs_compare(obslist, site1, site2, field, **kwargs):
"""Plot data from multiple observations vs time on a single baseline on the same axes.
obslist (list): list of observations to plot
site1 (str): station 1 name
site2 (str): station 2 name
field (str): y-axis field (from FIELDS)
debias (bool): If True and plotting vis amplitudes, debias them
axislabels (bool): Show axis labels if True
legendlabels (str): should be a list of labels of the same length of obslist or imlist
ang_unit (str): phase unit 'deg' or 'rad'
timetype (str): 'GMST' or 'UTC'
sgrscat (bool): if True, the visibilites will be blurred by the Sgr A* scattering kernel
snrcut (float): a snr cutoff
rangex (list): [xmin, xmax] x-axis (time) limits
rangey (list): [ymin, ymax] y-axis limits
legend (bool): Show legend if True
grid (bool): Plot gridlines if True
ebar (bool): Plot error bars if True
show (bool): Display the plot if true
axis (matplotlib.axes.Axes): add plot to this axis
clist (list): list of color strings of scatterplot points
export_pdf (str): path to pdf file to save figure
(matplotlib.axes.Axes): Axes object with data plot
axis = plot_bl_compare(obslist, [], site1, site2, field, **kwargs)
return axis
[docs]def plot_bl_obs_im_compare(obslist, imlist, site1, site2, field, **kwargs):
"""Plot data from multiple observations vs time on a single baseline on the same axes.
obslist (list): list of observations to plot
imlist (list): list of ground truth images to compare to
site1 (str): station 1 name
site2 (str): station 2 name
field (str): y-axis field (from FIELDS)
debias (bool): If True and plotting vis amplitudes, debias them
axislabels (bool): Show axis labels if True
legendlabels (str): should be a list of labels of the same length of obslist or imlist
ang_unit (str): phase unit 'deg' or 'rad'
timetype (str): 'GMST' or 'UTC'
sgrscat (bool): if True, the visibilites will be blurred by the Sgr A* scattering kernel
snrcut (float): a snr cutoff
rangex (list): [xmin, xmax] x-axis (time) limits
rangey (list): [ymin, ymax] y-axis limits
legend (bool): Show legend if True
grid (bool): Plot gridlines if True
ebar (bool): Plot error bars if True
show (bool): Display the plot if true
axis (matplotlib.axes.Axes): add plot to this axis
clist (list): list of color strings of scatterplot points
export_pdf (str): path to pdf file to save figure
(matplotlib.axes.Axes): Axes object with data plot
axis = plot_bl_compare(obslist, imlist, site1, site2, field, **kwargs)
return axis
[docs]def plot_cphase_obs_compare(obslist, site1, site2, site3, **kwargs):
"""Plot closure phase on a triangle vs time from multiple observations on the same axes.
obslist (list): list of observations to plot
site1 (str): station 1 name
site2 (str): station 2 name
site3 (str): station 3 name
vtype (str): The visibilty type ('vis','qvis','uvis','vvis','pvis')
cphases (list): optionally pass in a list of cphases so they don't have to be recomputed
force_recompute (bool): if True, recompute closure phases instead of using stored data
ang_unit (str): phase unit 'deg' or 'rad'
timetype (str): 'GMST' or 'UTC'
ttype (str): if "fast" or "nfft" use FFT to produce visibilities. Else "direct" for DTFT
snrcut (float): a snr cutoff
axis (matplotlib.axes.Axes): add plot to this axis
rangex (list): [xmin, xmax] x-axis limits
rangey (list): [ymin, ymax] y-axis limits
clist (list): list of colors scatterplot points
legendlabels (list): list of labels of the same length of obslist or imlist
markersize (int): size of plot markers
export_pdf (str): path to pdf file to save figure
grid (bool): Plot gridlines if True
ebar (bool): Plot error bars if True
axislabels (bool): Show axis labels if True
legend (bool): Show legend if True
show (bool): Display the plot if true
(matplotlib.axes.Axes): Axes object with data plot
axis = plot_cphase_compare(obslist, [], site1, site2, site3, **kwargs)
return axis
[docs]def plot_cphase_obs_im_compare(obslist, imlist, site1, site2, site3, **kwargs):
"""Plot closure phase on a triangle vs time from multiple observations on the same axes.
obslist (list): list of observations to plot
imlist (list): list of ground truth images to compare to
site1 (str): station 1 name
site2 (str): station 2 name
site3 (str): station 3 name
vtype (str): The visibilty type ('vis','qvis','uvis','vvis','pvis')
cphases (list): optionally pass in a list of cphases so they don't have to be recomputed
force_recompute (bool): if True, recompute closure phases instead of using stored data
ang_unit (str): phase unit 'deg' or 'rad'
timetype (str): 'GMST' or 'UTC'
ttype (str): if "fast" or "nfft" use FFT to produce visibilities. Else "direct" for DTFT
snrcut (float): a snr cutoff
axis (matplotlib.axes.Axes): add plot to this axis
rangex (list): [xmin, xmax] x-axis limits
rangey (list): [ymin, ymax] y-axis limits
clist (list): list of colors scatterplot points
legendlabels (list): list of labels of the same length of obslist or imlist
markersize (int): size of plot markers
export_pdf (str): path to pdf file to save figure
grid (bool): Plot gridlines if True
ebar (bool): Plot error bars if True
axislabels (bool): Show axis labels if True
legend (bool): Show legend if True
show (bool): Display the plot if true
(matplotlib.axes.Axes): Axes object with data plot
axis = plot_cphase_compare(obslist, imlist, site1, site2, site3, **kwargs)
return axis
[docs]def plot_camp_obs_compare(obslist, site1, site2, site3, site4, **kwargs):
"""Plot closure amplitude on a triangle vs time from multiple observations on the same axes.
obslist (list): list of observations to plot
site1 (str): station 1 name
site2 (str): station 2 name
site3 (str): station 3 name
site4 (str): station 4 name
vtype (str): The visibilty type ('vis','qvis','uvis','vvis','pvis')
ctype (str): The closure amplitude type ('camp' or 'logcamp')
camps (list): optionally pass in a list of camps so they don't have to be recomputed
force_recompute (bool): if True, recompute closure phases instead of using stored data
debias (bool): If True, debias amplitudes.
sgrscat (bool): if True, the visibilites will be blurred by the Sgr A* scattering kernel
timetype (str): 'GMST' or 'UTC'
ttype (str): if "fast" or "nfft" use FFT to produce visibilities. Else "direct" for DTFT
snrcut (float): a snr cutoff
axis (matplotlib.axes.Axes): add plot to this axis
rangex (list): [xmin, xmax] x-axis limits
rangey (list): [ymin, ymax] y-axis limits
clist (list): list of colors scatterplot points
legendlabels (list): list of labels of the same length of obslist or imlist
markersize (int): size of plot markers
export_pdf (str): path to pdf file to save figure
grid (bool): Plot gridlines if True
ebar (bool): Plot error bars if True
axislabels (bool): Show axis labels if True
legend (bool): Show legend if True
show (bool): Display the plot if true
(matplotlib.axes.Axes): Axes object with data plot
axis = plot_camp_compare(obslist, [], site1, site2, site3, site4, **kwargs)
return axis
[docs]def plot_camp_obs_im_compare(obslist, imlist, site1, site2, site3, site4, **kwargs):
"""Plot closure amplitude on a triangle vs time from multiple observations on the same axes.
obslist (list): list of observations to plot
image (Image): ground truth image to compare to
site1 (str): station 1 name
site2 (str): station 2 name
site3 (str): station 3 name
site4 (str): station 4 name
vtype (str): The visibilty type ('vis','qvis','uvis','vvis','pvis')
ctype (str): The closure amplitude type ('camp' or 'logcamp')
camps (list): optionally pass in a list of camps so they don't have to be recomputed
force_recompute (bool): if True, recompute closure phases instead of using stored data
debias (bool): If True, debias amplitudes.
sgrscat (bool): if True, the visibilites will be blurred by the Sgr A* scattering kernel
timetype (str): 'GMST' or 'UTC'
ttype (str): if "fast" or "nfft" use FFT to produce visibilities. Else "direct" for DTFT
snrcut (float): a snr cutoff
axis (matplotlib.axes.Axes): add plot to this axis
rangex (list): [xmin, xmax] x-axis limits
rangey (list): [ymin, ymax] y-axis limits
clist (list): list of colors scatterplot points
legendlabels (list): list of labels of the same length of obslist or imlist
markersize (int): size of plot markers
export_pdf (str): path to pdf file to save figure
grid (bool): Plot gridlines if True
ebar (bool): Plot error bars if True
axislabels (bool): Show axis labels if True
legend (bool): Show legend if True
show (bool): Display the plot if true
(matplotlib.axes.Axes): Axes object with data plot
axis = plot_camp_compare(obslist, imlist, site1, site2, site3, site4, **kwargs)
return axis
# Plotters: Compare Observations to Image
[docs]def plotall_obs_im_cphases(obs, imlist,
vtype='vis', ang_unit='deg', timetype='UTC',
ttype='nfft', sgrscat=False,
rangex=False, rangey=[-180, 180], legend=False, legendlabels=None,
show=True, ebar=True, axislabels=False, print_chisqs=True,
"""Plot all observation closure phases on top of image ground truth values.
Works with ONE obs and MULTIPLE images.
obs (Obsdata): observation to plot
imlist (list): list of ground truth images to compare to
vtype (str): The visibilty type ('vis','qvis','uvis','vvis','pvis')
ang_unit (str): phase unit 'deg' or 'rad'
timetype (str): 'GMST' or 'UTC'
ttype (str): if "fast" or "nfft" use FFT to produce visibilities. Else "direct" for DTFT
sgrscat (bool): if True, the visibilites will be blurred by the Sgr A* scattering kernel
rangex (list): [xmin, xmax] x-axis (time) limits
rangey (list): [ymin, ymax] y-axis (phase) limits
show (bool): Display the plot if True
ebar (bool): Plot error bars if True
axislabels (bool): Show axis labels if True
print_chisqs (bool): print individual chisqs if True
display_mode (str): 'all' or 'individual'
(matplotlib.axes.Axes): Axes object with data plot
except TypeError:
imlist = [imlist]
# get closure triangle combinations
sites = []
for i in range(0, len(obs.tarr)):
uniqueclosure_tri = list(it.combinations(sites, 3))
# generate data
cphases_obs = obs.c_phases(mode='all', count='max', vtype=vtype)
obs_all = [obs]
cphases_all = [cphases_obs]
for image in imlist:
obs_model = image.observe_same(obs, sgrscat=sgrscat, add_th_noise=False, ttype=ttype)
cphases_model = obs_model.c_phases(mode='all', count='max', vtype=vtype)
# display as individual plots or as a huge sheet
if display_mode == 'individual':
show = True
nplots = len(uniqueclosure_tri)
ncols = 4
nrows = np.ceil(nplots / ncols).astype(int)
show = False
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(nrows*20, 40))
# plot closure phases
nplot = 0
for c in range(0, len(uniqueclosure_tri)):
cphases_obs_tri = obs.cphase_tri(uniqueclosure_tri[c][0],
vtype=vtype, ang_unit='deg', cphases=cphases_obs)
if len(cphases_obs_tri) > 0:
if print_chisqs:
printstr = "%s %s %s :" % (
uniqueclosure_tri[c][0], uniqueclosure_tri[c][1], uniqueclosure_tri[c][2])
for i in range(1, len(obs_all)):
cphases_model_tri = obs_all[i].cphase_tri(uniqueclosure_tri[c][0],
vtype=vtype, ang_unit='deg',
resids = (cphases_obs_tri['cphase'] - cphases_model_tri['cphase'])*ehc.DEGREE
chisq_tri = np.sum((1.0 - np.cos(resids)) /
chisq_tri *= (2.0/len(cphases_obs_tri))
printstr += " chisq%i: %0.2f" % (i, chisq_tri)
if display_mode == 'individual':
ax = False
ax = plt.subplot2grid((nrows, ncols), (nplot//ncols, nplot % ncols), fig=fig)
axislabels = False
f = plot_cphase_obs_compare(obs_all,
vtype=vtype, rangex=rangex, rangey=rangey, ebar=ebar,
show=show, legend=legend, legendlabels=legendlabels,
cphases=cphases_all, axis=ax, axislabels=axislabels)
nplot += 1
if display_mode != 'individual':
f = fig
f.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.1, hspace=0.5)
return f
# Misc
[docs]def prep_plot_lists(obslist, imlist, clist=ehc.SCOLORS, legendlabels=None,
sgrscat=False, ttype='nfft'):
"""Return observation, color, marker, legend lists for comp plots"""
if imlist is None or imlist is False:
imlist = []
except TypeError:
obslist = [obslist]
except TypeError:
imlist = [imlist]
if not((len(imlist) == len(obslist)) or len(imlist) <= 1 or len(obslist) <= 1):
raise Exception("imlist and obslist must be the same length, or either must have length 1")
if not (legendlabels is None) and (len(legendlabels) != max(len(imlist), len(obslist))):
raise Exception("legendlabels should be the same length of the longer of imlist, obslist!")
if legendlabels is None:
legendlabels = [str(i+1) for i in range(max(len(imlist), len(obslist)))]
obslist_plot = []
clist_plot = copy.copy(clist)
legendlabels_plot = copy.copy(legendlabels)
# one image, multiple observations
if len(imlist) == 0:
markers = []
for i in range(len(obslist)):
elif len(imlist) == 1 and len(obslist) > 1:
obslist_true = []
markers = ['s']
clist_plot = ['k']
for i in range(len(obslist)):
obstrue = imlist[0].observe_same(
obslist[i], sgrscat=sgrscat, add_th_noise=False, ttype=ttype)
for sigma_type in obstrue.data.dtype.names[-4:]:
obstrue.data[sigma_type] *= 0
obstrue = merge_obs(obslist_true)
obslist_plot.insert(0, obstrue)
legendlabels_plot.insert(0, 'Image')
# one observation, multiple images
elif len(obslist) == 1 and len(imlist) > 1:
markers = ['o']
for i in range(len(imlist)):
obstrue = imlist[i].observe_same(
obslist[0], sgrscat=sgrscat, add_th_noise=False, ttype=ttype)
for sigma_type in obstrue.data.dtype.names[-4:]:
obstrue.data[sigma_type] *= 0
clist_plot.insert(0, 'k')
legendlabels_plot.insert(0, 'Observation')
# same number of images and observations
elif len(obslist) == 1 and len(imlist) == 1:
obstrue = imlist[0].observe_same(
obslist[0], sgrscat=sgrscat, add_th_noise=False, ttype=ttype)
for sigma_type in obstrue.data.dtype.names[-4:]:
obstrue.data[sigma_type] *= 0
markers = ['o', 's']
clist_plot = ['k', clist[0]]
legendlabels_plot = [legendlabels[0]+'_obs', legendlabels[0]+'_im']
markers = []
legendlabels_plot = []
clist_plot = []
for i in range(len(obslist)):
obstrue = imlist[i].observe_same(
obslist[i], sgrscat=sgrscat, add_th_noise=False, ttype=ttype)
for sigma_type in obstrue.data.dtype.names[-4:]:
obstrue.data[sigma_type] *= 0
if len(obslist_plot) > len(clist):
Exception("More observations than colors -- Add more colors to clist!")
return (obslist_plot, clist_plot, legendlabels_plot, markers)