Source code for ehtim.calibrating.self_cal

# functions for self-calibration
#    Copyright (C) 2018 Andrew Chael
#    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#    (at your option) any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#    along with this program.  If not, see <>.

from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function

from builtins import str
from builtins import range
from builtins import object

import numpy as np
import scipy.optimize as opt
import time
import copy
from multiprocessing import cpu_count, Pool

import ehtim.obsdata
import ehtim.parloop as parloop
from . import cal_helpers as calh
from ehtim.observing.obs_simulate import add_jones_and_noise
import ehtim.observing.obs_helpers as obsh
import ehtim.const_def as ehc

import warnings
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", message="divide by zero encountered in log")

MAXIT = 10000  # maximum number of iterations in self-cal minimizer
NHIST = 50   # number of steps to store for hessian approx
MAXLS = 40   # maximum number of line search steps in BFGS-B
STOP = 1e-6  # convergence criterion

# Self-Calibration

[docs]def self_cal(obs, im, sites=[], pol='I', apply_singlepol=False, method="both", minimizer_method='BFGS', pad_amp=0., gain_tol=.2, solution_interval=0.0, scan_solutions=False, ttype='direct', fft_pad_factor=2, caltable=False, debias=True, apply_dterms=False, copy_closure_tables=False, processes=-1, show_solution=False, msgtype='bar', use_grad=False): """Self-calibrate a dataset to an image. Args: obs (Obsdata): The observation to be calibrated im (Image): the image to be calibrated to sites (list): list of sites to include in the self calibration. empty list calibrates all sites pol (str): which image polarization to self-calibrate visibilities to apply_singlepol (str): if calibrating to pol='RR' or pol='LL', apply solution only to the single polarization method (str): chooses what to calibrate, 'amp', 'phase', or 'both' minimizer_method (str): Method for scipy.optimize.minimize (e.g., 'CG', 'BFGS') pad_amp (float): adds fractional uncertainty to amplitude sigmas in quadrature gain_tol (float or list): gains that exceed this value will be disfavored by the prior for asymmetric gain_tol for corrections below/above unity, pass a 2-element list solution_interval (float): solution interval in seconds; If 0., determine solution for each unique time scan_solutions (bool): If True, determine one gain per site per scan (supersedes solution_interval) caltable (bool): if True, returns a Caltable instead of an Obsdata processes (int): number of cores to use in multiprocessing ttype (str): if "fast" or "nfft" use FFT to produce visibilities. Else "direct" for DTFT fft_pad_factor (float): zero pad the image to fft_pad_factor * image size in FFT debias (bool): If True, debias the amplitudes apply_dterms (bool): if True, apply dterms (in obs.tarr) to clean data before calibrating show_solution (bool): if True, display the solution as it is calculated msgtype (str): type of progress message to be printed, default is 'bar' use_grad (bool): if True, use gradients in minimizer Returns: (Obsdata): the calibrated observation, if caltable==False (Caltable): the derived calibration table, if caltable==True """ if use_grad and (method=='phase' or method=='amp'): raise Exception("errfunc_grad in self_cal only works with method=='both'!") if pol in ['I', 'Q', 'U', 'V']: if obs.polrep != 'stokes': raise Exception("selfcal pol is a stokes parameter, but obs.polrep!='stokes'") im = im.switch_polrep('stokes', pol) elif pol in ['RR', 'LL']: if obs.polrep != 'circ': raise Exception("selfcal pol is RR or LL, but obs.polrep!='circ'") im = im.switch_polrep('circ', pol) else: raise Exception("Can only self-calibrate to I, Q, U, V, RR, or LL images!") if apply_singlepol and obs.polrep!='circ': raise Exception("apply_singlepol must be False unless self-calibrating to 'RR' or 'LL'") # V = model visibility, V' = measured visibility, G_i = site gain # G_i * conj(G_j) * V_ij = V'_ij if len(sites) == 0: print("No stations specified in self cal: defaulting to calibrating all stations!") sites = obs.tarr['site'] # First, sample the model visibilities of the specified polarization print("Computing the Model Visibilities with " + ttype + " Fourier Transform...") obs_clean = im.observe_same_nonoise(obs, ttype=ttype, fft_pad_factor=fft_pad_factor) # apply dterms # TODO check! if apply_dterms: print("Applying dterms in obs.tarr to clean visibilities before selfcal!") obsdata_dterms = add_jones_and_noise(obs_clean, add_th_noise=False, ampcal=True, phasecal=True, opacitycal=True, dcal=False, frcal=True, dterm_offset=0.0) = obsdata_dterms # Partition the list of observed visibilities into scans scans = obs.tlist(t_gather=solution_interval, scan_gather=scan_solutions) scans_cal = copy.copy(scans) # Partition the list of model visibilities into scans V_scans = [o[ehc.vis_poldict[pol]] for o in obs_clean.tlist( t_gather=solution_interval, scan_gather=scan_solutions)] # Make the pool for parallel processing if processes > 0: counter = parloop.Counter(initval=0, maxval=len(scans)) print("Using Multiprocessing with %d Processes" % processes) pool = Pool(processes=processes, initializer=init, initargs=(counter,)) elif processes == 0: counter = parloop.Counter(initval=0, maxval=len(scans)) processes = int(cpu_count()) print("Using Multiprocessing with %d Processes" % processes) pool = Pool(processes=processes, initializer=init, initargs=(counter,)) else: print("Not Using Multiprocessing") # loop over scans and calibrate tstart = time.time() if processes > 0: # run on multiple cores with multiprocessing scans_cal = np.array(, [[i, len(scans), scans[i], im, V_scans[i], sites, obs.polrep, pol, apply_singlepol, method, minimizer_method, show_solution, pad_amp, gain_tol, debias, caltable, msgtype, use_grad ] for i in range(len(scans))]), dtype=object) else: # run on a single core for i in range(len(scans)): obsh.prog_msg(i, len(scans), msgtype=msgtype, nscan_last=i - 1) scans_cal[i] = self_cal_scan(scans[i], im, V_scan=V_scans[i], sites=sites, polrep=obs.polrep, pol=pol, apply_singlepol=apply_singlepol, method=method, minimizer_method=minimizer_method, show_solution=show_solution, pad_amp=pad_amp, gain_tol=gain_tol, debias=debias, caltable=caltable, use_grad=use_grad) tstop = time.time() print("\nself_cal time: %f s" % (tstop - tstart)) if caltable: # assemble the caltable to return allsites = obs.tarr['site'] caldict = scans_cal[0] for i in range(1, len(scans_cal)): row = scans_cal[i] for site in allsites: try: dat = row[site] except KeyError: continue try: caldict[site] = np.append(caldict[site], row[site]) except KeyError: caldict[site] = dat caltable = ehtim.caltable.Caltable(obs.ra, obs.dec, obs.rf,, caldict, obs.tarr, source=obs.source, mjd=obs.mjd, timetype=obs.timetype) out = caltable else: # return a calibrated observation arglist, argdict = obs.obsdata_args() arglist[4] = np.concatenate(scans_cal) out = ehtim.obsdata.Obsdata(*arglist, **argdict) if copy_closure_tables: = out.logcamp = obs.logcamp out.cphase = obs.cphase # close multiprocessing jobs if processes >= 0: pool.close() return out
[docs]def self_cal_scan(scan, im, V_scan=[], sites=[], polrep='stokes', pol='I', apply_singlepol=False, method="both", minimizer_method='BFGS', show_solution=False, pad_amp=0., gain_tol=.2, debias=True, caltable=False, use_grad=False): """Self-calibrate a scan to an image. Args: scan (np.recarray): data array of type DTPOL_STOKES or DTPOL_CIRC im (Image): the image to be calibrated to sites (list): list of sites to include in the self calibration. empty list calibrates all sites V_scan (list) : precomputed scan visibilities polrep (str): 'stokes' or 'circ' to specify the polarization products in scan pol (str): which image polarization to self-calibrate visibilities to apply_singlepol (str): if calibrating to pol='RR' or pol='LL', apply solution only to the single polarization method (str): chooses what to calibrate, 'amp', 'phase', or 'both' minimizer_method (str): Method for scipy.optimize.minimize (e.g., 'CG', 'BFGS', 'Nelder-Mead', etc.) pad_amp (float): adds fractional uncertainty to amplitude sigmas in quadrature gain_tol (float or list): gains that exceed this value will be disfavored by the prior for asymmetric gain_tol for corrections below/above unity, pass a 2-element list debias (bool): If True, debias the amplitudes caltable (bool): if True, returns a Caltable instead of an Obsdata show_solution (bool): if True, display the solution as it is calculated use_grad (bool): if True, use gradients in minimizer Returns: (Obsdata): the calibrated observation, if caltable==False (Caltable): the derived calibration table, if caltable==True """ if use_grad and (method=='phase' or method=='amp'): raise Exception("errfunc_grad in self_cal only works with method=='both'!") if len(sites) == 0: print("No stations specified in self cal: defaulting to calibrating all !") sites = list(set(scan['t1']).union(set(scan['t2']))) if len(V_scan) < 1: # TODO This is not correct. Need to update to use polarization dictionary uv = np.hstack((scan['u'].reshape(-1, 1), scan['v'].reshape(-1, 1))) A = obsh.ftmatrix(im.psize, im.xdim, im.ydim, uv, pulse=im.pulse) V_scan =, im.imvec) # convert gain tolerance to lookup table if needed if type(gain_tol) is not dict: gain_tol = {'default':gain_tol} # convert any 1-sided tolerance to 2-sided tolerance parameterization for (key, val) in gain_tol.items(): if type(val) == float or type(val) == int: gain_tol[key] = [val, val] # create a dictionary to keep track of gains tkey = {b: a for a, b in enumerate(sites)} # make a list of gain keys that relates scan bl gains to solved site ones # -1 means that this station does not have a gain that is being solved for g1_keys = [] g2_keys = [] for row in scan: try: g1_keys.append(tkey[row['t1']]) except KeyError: g1_keys.append(-1) try: g2_keys.append(tkey[row['t2']]) except KeyError: g2_keys.append(-1) # no sites to calibrate on this scan! if np.all(g1_keys == -1) and np.all(g2_keys == -1): return scan # get scan visibilities of the specified polarization vis = scan[ehc.vis_poldict[pol]] sigma = scan[ehc.sig_poldict[pol]] if method == 'amp': if debias: vis = obsh.amp_debias(np.abs(vis), np.abs(sigma)) else: vis = np.abs(vis) sigma_inv = 1.0 / np.sqrt(sigma**2 + (pad_amp * np.abs(vis))**2) # initial guess for gains gpar_guess = np.ones(len(sites), dtype=np.complex128).view(dtype=np.float64) # error function def errfunc(gpar): return errfunc_full(gpar, vis, V_scan, sigma_inv, gain_tol, sites, g1_keys, g2_keys, method) def errfunc_grad(gpar): return errfunc_grad_full(gpar, vis, V_scan, sigma_inv, gain_tol, sites, g1_keys, g2_keys, method) # use gradient descent to find the gains # minimizer params if minimizer_method=='L-BFGS-B': optdict = {'maxiter': MAXIT, 'ftol': STOP, 'gtol': STOP, 'maxcor': NHIST, 'maxls': MAXLS} else: optdict = {'maxiter': MAXIT} if use_grad: res = opt.minimize(errfunc, gpar_guess, method=minimizer_method, options=optdict, jac=errfunc_grad) else: res = opt.minimize(errfunc, gpar_guess, method=minimizer_method, options=optdict) # save the solution g_fit = res.x.view(np.complex128) if show_solution: print(np.abs(g_fit)) if method == "phase": g_fit = g_fit / np.abs(g_fit) if method == "amp": g_fit = np.abs(np.real(g_fit)) g_fit = np.append(g_fit, 1.) # Derive a calibration table or apply the solution to the scan if caltable: allsites = list(set(scan['t1']).union(set(scan['t2']))) caldict = {} for site in allsites: if site in sites: site_key = tkey[site] else: site_key = -1 # TODO: ANDREW - this has been changed # We will *always* set the R and L gain corrections to be equal in self calibration, # to avoid breaking polarization consistency relationships if apply_singlepol: if pol=='RR': rscale = g_fit[site_key]**-1 lscale = np.ones(g_fit[site_key].shape) elif pol=='LL': rscale = np.ones(g_fit[site_key].shape) lscale = g_fit[site_key]**-1 else: rscale = g_fit[site_key]**-1 lscale = g_fit[site_key]**-1 # TODO: we may want to give two entries for the start/stop times # when a non-zero interval is used caldict[site] = np.array((scan['time'][0], rscale, lscale), dtype=ehc.DTCAL) out = caldict else: g1_fit = g_fit[g1_keys] g2_fit = g_fit[g2_keys] gij_inv = (g1_fit * g2_fit.conj())**(-1) if polrep == 'stokes': # gain factors g1_fit = g_fit[g1_keys] g2_fit = g_fit[g2_keys] gij_inv = (g1_fit * g2_fit.conj())**(-1) # scale visibilities for vistype in ['vis', 'qvis', 'uvis', 'vvis']: scan[vistype] *= gij_inv # scale sigmas for sigtype in ['sigma', 'qsigma', 'usigma', 'vsigma']: scan[sigtype] *= np.abs(gij_inv) elif polrep == 'circ': if apply_singlepol: #scale only solved polarization if pol=='RR': grr_inv = (g1_fit * g2_fit.conj())**(-1) gll_inv = np.ones(g1_fit.shape) grl_inv = (g1_fit)**(-1) glr_inv = (g2_fit.conj())**(-1) elif pol=='LL': grr_inv = np.ones(g1_fit.shape) gll_inv = (g1_fit * g2_fit.conj())**(-1) grl_inv = (g2_fit.conj())**(-1) glr_inv = (g1_fit)**(-1) # scale visibilities scan['rrvis'] *= grr_inv scan['llvis'] *= gll_inv scan['rlvis'] *= grl_inv scan['lrvis'] *= glr_inv # scale sigmas scan['rrsigma'] *= np.abs(grr_inv) scan['llsigma'] *= np.abs(gll_inv) scan['rlsigma'] *= np.abs(grl_inv) scan['lrsigma'] *= np.abs(glr_inv) else: #scale both polarizations gij_inv = (g1_fit * g2_fit.conj())**(-1) # scale visibilities for vistype in ['rrvis', 'llvis', 'rlvis', 'lrvis']: scan[vistype] *= gij_inv # scale sigmas for sigtype in ['rrsigma', 'llsigma', 'rlsigma', 'lrsigma']: scan[sigtype] *= np.abs(gij_inv) out = scan return out
def init(x): global counter counter = x def get_selfcal_scan_cal(args): return get_selfcal_scan_cal2(*args) def get_selfcal_scan_cal2(i, n, scan, im, V_scan, sites, polrep, pol, apply_singlepol, method, minimizer_method, show_solution, pad_amp, gain_tol, debias, caltable, msgtype, use_grad): if n > 1: global counter counter.increment() obsh.prog_msg(counter.value(), counter.maxval, msgtype, counter.value() - 1) return self_cal_scan(scan, im, V_scan=V_scan, sites=sites, polrep=polrep, pol=pol, apply_singlepol=apply_singlepol, method=method, minimizer_method=minimizer_method, show_solution=show_solution, pad_amp=pad_amp, gain_tol=gain_tol, debias=debias, caltable=caltable, use_grad=use_grad) # error function def errfunc_full(gpar, vis, v_scan, sigma_inv, gain_tol, sites, g1_keys, g2_keys, method): # all the forward site gains (complex) g = gpar.astype(np.float64).view(dtype=np.complex128) if method == "phase": g = g / np.abs(g) if method == "amp": g = np.abs(np.real(g)) # append the default values to g for missing gains g = np.append(g, 1.) g1 = g[g1_keys] g2 = g[g2_keys] # build site specific tolerance parameters tol0 = np.array([gain_tol.get(s, gain_tol['default'])[0] for s in sites]) tol1 = np.array([gain_tol.get(s, gain_tol['default'])[1] for s in sites]) if method == 'amp': verr = np.abs(vis) - g1 * g2.conj() * np.abs(v_scan) else: verr = vis - g1 * g2.conj() * v_scan nan_mask = [not np.isnan(v) for v in verr] verr = verr[nan_mask] # goodness-of-fit for gains chisq = np.sum((verr.real * sigma_inv[nan_mask])**2) + \ np.sum((verr.imag * sigma_inv[nan_mask])**2) # prior on the gains # don't count the last (default missing site) gain dummy value tolsq = ((np.abs(g[:-1]) > 1) * tol0 + (np.abs(g[:-1]) <= 1) * tol1)**2 chisq_g = np.sum(np.log(np.abs(g[:-1]))**2 / tolsq) # total chi^2 chisqtot = chisq + chisq_g return chisqtot def errfunc_grad_full(gpar, vis, v_scan, sigma_inv, gain_tol, sites, g1_keys, g2_keys, method): # does not work for method=='phase' or method=='amp' if method=='phase' or method=='amp': raise Exception("errfunc_grad in self_cal only works with method=='both'!") # all the forward site gains (complex) g = gpar.astype(np.float64).view(dtype=np.complex128) gr = np.real(g) gi = np.imag(g) # build site specific tolerance parameters tol0 = np.array([gain_tol.get(s, gain_tol['default'])[0] for s in sites]) tol1 = np.array([gain_tol.get(s, gain_tol['default'])[1] for s in sites]) # append the default values to g for missing gains g = np.append(g, 1.) g1 = g[g1_keys] g2 = g[g2_keys] g1r = np.real(g1) g1i = np.imag(g1) g2r = np.real(g2) g2i = np.imag(g2) v_scan_sq = v_scan*v_scan.conj() g1sq = g1*(g1.conj()) g2sq = g2*(g2.conj()) ################################### # data term chi^2 derivitive ################################### # chi^2 term gradients dchisq_dg1r = (-g2.conj()*vis.conj()*v_scan - g2*vis*v_scan.conj() + 2*g1r*g2sq*v_scan_sq) dchisq_dg1i = (-1j*g2.conj()*vis.conj()*v_scan + 1j*g2*vis*v_scan.conj() + 2*g1i*g2sq*v_scan_sq) dchisq_dg2r = (-g1*vis.conj()*v_scan - g1.conj()*vis*v_scan.conj() + 2*g2r*g1sq*v_scan_sq) dchisq_dg2i = (1j*g1*vis.conj()*v_scan - 1j*g1.conj()*vis*v_scan.conj() + 2*g2i*g1sq*v_scan_sq) dchisq_dg1r *= ((sigma_inv)**2) dchisq_dg1i *= ((sigma_inv)**2) dchisq_dg2r *= ((sigma_inv)**2) dchisq_dg2i *= ((sigma_inv)**2) # same masking function as in errfunc # preserve length of dchisq arrays verr = vis - g1 * g2.conj() * v_scan nan_mask = np.isnan(verr) dchisq_dg1r[nan_mask] = 0 dchisq_dg1i[nan_mask] = 0 dchisq_dg2r[nan_mask] = 0 dchisq_dg2i[nan_mask] = 0 # derivitives of real and imaginary gains dchisq_dgr = np.zeros(len(gpar)//2) #len(gpar) must be even dchisq_dgi = np.zeros(len(gpar)//2) # TODO faster than a for loop? for i in range(len(gpar)//2): g1idx = np.argwhere(np.array(g1_keys)==i) g2idx = np.argwhere(np.array(g2_keys)==i) dchisq_dgr[i] = np.sum(dchisq_dg1r[g1idx]) + np.sum(dchisq_dg2r[g2idx]) dchisq_dgi[i] = np.sum(dchisq_dg1i[g1idx]) + np.sum(dchisq_dg2i[g2idx]) ################################### # prior term chi^2 derivitive ################################### # NOTE this derivitive doesn't account for possible sharp change in tol at g=1 gsq = np.abs(g[:-1])**2 # don't count default missing site dummy value tolsq = ((np.abs(g[:-1]) > 1) * tol0 + (np.abs(g[:-1]) <= 1) * tol1)**2 dchisqg_dgr = gr*np.log(gsq)/gsq/tolsq dchisqg_dgi = gi*np.log(gsq)/gsq/tolsq # total derivative dchisqtot_dgr = dchisq_dgr + dchisqg_dgr dchisqtot_dgi = dchisq_dgi + dchisqg_dgi # interleave final derivs dchisqtot_dgpar = np.zeros(len(gpar)) dchisqtot_dgpar[0::2] = dchisqtot_dgr dchisqtot_dgpar[1::2] = dchisqtot_dgi # any imaginary parts??? should all be real dchisqtot_dgpar = np.real(dchisqtot_dgpar) return dchisqtot_dgpar